
Mad Max Answers - How much time passes between Mad Max and The Road Warrior?

What is the time frame beteen Max Max I and Mad Max II (The Road Warrior)?

In an interview, Mad Max movie director George Miller said approximately five years have passed since the events of Mad Max I and Mad Max II (The Road Warrior).

Max's car, the V8 interceptor, has clearly aged and been battered over this time period. The car has been modified with most of the interior ripped out and two over sized fuel tanks added.

Max has as well as his features are craggy and his hair is starting to gray.
His clothing, made from durable leather, has rips and burst seams suggesting a number of events and time have taken place since the first movie.

Max has no shells for his shotgun; his service revolver is missing and even if he still had it, most likely is empty too. This suggests that over time, Max used most of his ammunition fighting bad guys and obtaining fuel.

Max has been reduced to eating old canned dog food. Clearly, Max has had time to adapt to a world without grocery stores and normal human food. This does not happen overnight.

While no calendars are seen in the Road Warrior, it is safe to say that some years have passed since the events seen in the first Mad Max movie.

Mad Max Answers - When does Mad Max take place?

When does Mad Max take place?

Mad Max takes place in the near future after a societal collapse which has effected the whole world.

The age of the vehicles suggest that the events in the first movie, Mad Max, take place in the present, but because of the nature of the collapse, newer vehicles are not running and only older or heavily modified cars still run.

In Mad Max 2,(The Road Warrior), shows viewers what happened leading to the events of Mad Max 1 and 2. There is a great world war between two great "tribes" which quickly spread to the rest of the world. When it was done, the ability to produce the fuel (petroleum based products) was serverly curtailed. So much so, that the remaining soceity collapsed into chaos.

Mad Max takes place in Austraila. There, a handful of cops, like Max, barely hold the line against growing rampant violence specifically, out on the highways and roads.

Viewers can tell that Mad Max happens in the future, but in the near future as clothing, vehicles and mannerisms are similar to present day.

Mad Max Answers

In 1979, Mad Max, a low budget action movie roared into the box office. Starring a then unknown Mel Gibson, Max Mad, along with sequels Max Max II (The Road Warrior) and Max Max III (Beyond Thunderdome) originated the popular post-apocalyptic movie genre.

Set "a few years from now", Mad Max is the story of police officer attempting to hold back rampant crime and violence in a crumbling dysfunctional Australia. The roads are a battlefield as motorcycle gangs control the highways while Max and a handful of cops barely hold the line. Adding to matters is the perpetual shortage of running vehicles and lack of gasoline needed to fuel them.

Fans around the world have followed the Mad Max trilogy and their numbers grow each year as a new generation discovers the films.

However, the films leave viewers often with questions unanswered.

For instance, what happens to Fifi and the rest of the Main Force Patrol after the events of Mad Max?

How did Max's car end up so different in The Road Warrior
from Mad Max?

What is the deal with Max's jacket in The Road Warrior?

Why is the Gyro Captain in II and III, but Max does not recognize him?

Lots of questions, and hopefully, this site can bring answers to even the most die hard fan of the Mad Max movies.