
Mad Max Answers - When does Mad Max take place?

When does Mad Max take place?

Mad Max takes place in the near future after a societal collapse which has effected the whole world.

The age of the vehicles suggest that the events in the first movie, Mad Max, take place in the present, but because of the nature of the collapse, newer vehicles are not running and only older or heavily modified cars still run.

In Mad Max 2,(The Road Warrior), shows viewers what happened leading to the events of Mad Max 1 and 2. There is a great world war between two great "tribes" which quickly spread to the rest of the world. When it was done, the ability to produce the fuel (petroleum based products) was serverly curtailed. So much so, that the remaining soceity collapsed into chaos.

Mad Max takes place in Austraila. There, a handful of cops, like Max, barely hold the line against growing rampant violence specifically, out on the highways and roads.

Viewers can tell that Mad Max happens in the future, but in the near future as clothing, vehicles and mannerisms are similar to present day.

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